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Don’t Leave Security Up To Chance

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Bay Area security patrol

Physical Security Advice From Our Bay Area Security Guards

Every employee at a given company has some level of responsibility for security, but there are certain measures that business owners and top-level decision-makers need to take to ensure businesses are secure. This article provides a rundown of several of those steps.

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How to Spot and Prevent a Physical Security Threat

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Physical security company

Is Your Business Vulnerable To Physical Security Threats?

Although most workplaces are considered generally safe, physical threats still abound. Employees should be made aware of the physical security threats they are susceptible to and what they can do about it. The most likely physical threats to an organization include burglary, theft, vandalism, unauthorized access, and sabotage. In this post, we advise you on how to spot your physical security weak points and how to address them:

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6 Ways to Increase Apartment Complex Security in the New Year

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san jose apartment security company

Security Tips for Apartment and Office Buildings

If you’re a landlord or a manager of an apartment complex, security is almost certainly one of your biggest concerns. You want to make sure that your tenants are safe and that crime is kept to an absolute minimum. Having some reliable Santa Clara security guards at the complex may even increase your property’s value and attract more residents. If you want to make sure that your complex remains secure for the new year, consider these six tips.

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How to Create a Small Business Security Plan

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security patrol

Bay Area Security Company Discusses Small Business Security

According to Cisco’s SMB Cybersecurity Report, small businesses are highly susceptible to phishing attacks, ransomware, denial-of-service attacks, among other online threats.
In spite of the imminent online threats, physical security is equally important. You need to protect your assets, property, and employees by creating an effective security plan in the following ways:

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Is Your Home a Target For Thieves?

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San Jose alarm response

Our Bay Area Security Company Offers 5 Tips For Your Home

According to the San Francisco Police Department, the property crime rate projection for the year 2018-19 is 5,715 for every 100,000 residents. Property crimes include larceny, arson, motor vehicle theft, and burglary. Coming back to a home that has been broken into is a nightmare that no homeowner wants to experience. The following could be what makes your home appealing to burglars:

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Preventing Robberies at Convenience Stores with Physical Security

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san jose security guard company

Bay Area Physical Security is a Must-Have

A survey carried out by the National Retail Federation (NRF) indicates that there is a consistent decline in the average loss for every robber. In 2016, the average amount of money stolen in each robbery was $5,309.72 which was down from $8,189.17 in 2015. This figure further dropped to $4,237.02 in 2017.

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How to Keep Your Home Safe This Holiday Season

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holiday home safety tips

A Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Home is Secure During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for giving and celebrating with friends and family. Unfortunately, this time of year doesn’t always bring out the best in everyone. For criminals, the holidays are the perfect time to cash in on vacant homes and the generosity of others. While installing a home security system with a San Jose security company is ideal, we’ve put together some additional tips to keep your home safe this season.

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8 Tips To Stay Safe In Parking Lots at Night

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Bay Area security company, security patrol companies, San Jose patrol

Professional Advice from Security Guards for Staying Safe

Criminals and predators often stalk parking lots, searching for their next unwitting victim. Bay Area Security companies offer assistance to businesses that want to keep their patrons safe, but there are times when you may not find security patrol in some public parking lots. Always practice safety when entering and exiting your vehicle. Read more…

Ex-Con Explains What Really Stopped Him From Breaking Into Homes

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Here’s 5 Security Tips On How To Avoid Being A Victim of Burglary

Statistics say that there’s one U.S. home being broken into every 15 seconds. How does one prevent that from happening to them? Ex-con Chris Patterson has been convicted 4 times for breaking and entering. But today Chris is on the good side. He shares his experience on how you can avoid getting burglarized.

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