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Business Closed For The Holidays? Don’t Neglect Security

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Gilroy Security Company on Business Security

It’s that time of the year again when spending time with family takes priority over business. Many shops close during the holidays at least for a few weeks. While you are having fun with your loved ones, are you assured of your business’s security? Research shows that burglary and vandalism are highest over the holidays. But that’s not all; the risk of fire, and damage from bad weather become more real when you are away. Below are tips from our Bay Area security guard company to keep your business safe and secure during this holiday season. Read more…

Proven Ways to Keep Your Property Secure

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Keep Private Property Secure With Mobile Patrol

Security Patrols for Private Bay Area Property

A majority of homeowners and business owners fully understand that there are several ways to keep their property safe, such as the use of locking doors, window blinds or the installation of alarm systems. However, very few people fully understand how to secure their property appropriately. By using the following simple steps from our Bay Area security company, you will be able to protect your property and anything else of value which may be inside or on your property. Read more…

7 Vital Home Security Tips

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santa clara security company

Home Security Tips From a Bay Area Security Company

Home security is becoming more and more of a necessity. There are many instances of burglary cases taking place all over the country, so you want to equip yourself to deal with these issues. Orion Security is a recognized Bay Area security company specializing in outstanding and affordable security services. Here are some of our key home security tips that will help improve you and your family’s safety. It is important to keep these in mind when preparing for an extended leave or even just a day at work: Read more…

San Jose Physical Security Company Addresses Bay Area Crime Trends

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Security Guards, Alarm Response, and Surveillance Systems Deter Property Crime and Protect People

security guard business officer

The number of homicides in San Jose has decreased slightly in the last few years, but residents are still concerned. Due to budget issues, many city police officers have been laid off or have left for other employment. Morale in the department reportedly has been low, at least according to some news stories, and community critics have called some of the force’s policies and overall effectiveness into question.

To obtain extra security and peace of mind, many local communities and businesses are turning to security companies for additional support. Read more…

How Office Security Systems Can Keep Business, Employees, and Clients Safe

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Why So Many Businesses Utilize Security Companies for Surveillance and Patrolling


Security companies are often called upon to protect businesses, employees and clients. There are many practices and tactics a security guard company can use to ensure the strongest security plan for their client. This may include on-the-clock bodyguards, monitored video surveillance systems, security personnel, alarm response, camera recordings and more. Business surveillance systems can also be beneficial to companies wanting to expand their security plan. Depending on your businesses specific demands, this could be the perfect remedy for your organization. Read more…

Secure Levi’s® Stadium and Bay Area Viewing Parties

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Levi’s® Stadium Security Concerns Loom in Anticipation of “the Big Game”


Enthusiasm fills the air as Bay Area locals count down to the Big Day. But despite fan hysteria and overwhelming excitement, Bay Area security patrol companies are taking a more cautious response to this anticipated event. With recent terrorist attacks like Paris and San Bernardino, police forces, local security companies and authorities are looking at ways to buckle down and tighten security measures. Read more…

Robotic Physical Security Patrol Bots Hit the Streets in Mountain View

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Bay Area Robotics Company Testing Robotic Physical Security Patrol


If you work with a group of highly trained Bay Area security guards, you could be welcoming a robot to the team. The Silicon Valley recently introduced crime-fighting robots to the protection workforce. While their spaceship appearance resembles a Star Wars movie prop, their real capabilities are far from innocent. These five-foot, 300 pound machines are non-threatening at first glance, but highly intelligent and useful. Read more…

Tips for Choosing a Security Guard Company

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Questions to Ask Your Prospective New Security Companies


Security companies are great assets to individuals and organizations that want to offer extra protection to customers, residents, employees and to protect their own assets. Whether you manage storefronts in a shopping center, you’re in charge of ensuring security for local or state government offices or buildings, manage a bank, or run a medium to large company, having a good security plan is a worthwhile investment. All security companies are not created equal, so it’s important you choose the one that is best for your needs. Just like any significant investment you would make, conducting extensive research on security guard companies will help you avoid future dissatisfaction or potentially dangerous or detrmiental situations. Read more…

Benefits of Hiring a Security Guard Company for Your Business

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Security Companies Prevent Crimes & Protect Customers

Bay Area Security Companies

The safety of your Bay Area building is obviously too important to leave to chance, but what options can you leverage to protect your property (and, more importantly, the people on it) from harm or theft? Read more…

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