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Currently viewing the tag security tips

Personal Security Tips That Everyone Should Know

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Bay area security guards

Security Tips from a Bay Area Security Company

Personal security is important. But most people don’t have a security guard company with bodyguards following them around. To help keep yourself safe while going about your daily life, there are things you can do that will reduce your vulnerability. Here are some tips from San Jose security guards.

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Is Your Home a Target For Thieves?

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San Jose alarm response

Our Bay Area Security Company Offers 5 Tips For Your Home

According to the San Francisco Police Department, the property crime rate projection for the year 2018-19 is 5,715 for every 100,000 residents. Property crimes include larceny, arson, motor vehicle theft, and burglary. Coming back to a home that has been broken into is a nightmare that no homeowner wants to experience. The following could be what makes your home appealing to burglars:

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6 Quick Vehicle Security Tips

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security patrol can prevent vehicle breakins in san jose

Vehicle Safety Tips Form a Bay Area Security Company

You don’t have to own a BMW for thieves to target your vehicle. Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and far too many people neglect even the most basic safety measures. Following these six simple tips can make it harder than you think for thieves to drive off with your four-wheeled pride and joy. Read more…

The Top 5 Myths About Physical Security

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Bay Area surveillance system

Palo Alto Physical Security Company Discusses Top 5 Security Myths

As a physical security company, it’s our job to educate clients about the potential for risks and to offer solutions. As a good physical security company, it’s our job to convince you to care about your safety as much as we do. Technological advances have given criminals better tools—leading to an increase in building attacks. All it takes is one incident to derail your business and your life—doesn’t it make sense to prepare for this? Read more…

Ex-Con Explains What Really Stopped Him From Breaking Into Homes

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Here’s 5 Security Tips On How To Avoid Being A Victim of Burglary

Statistics say that there’s one U.S. home being broken into every 15 seconds. How does one prevent that from happening to them? Ex-con Chris Patterson has been convicted 4 times for breaking and entering. But today Chris is on the good side. He shares his experience on how you can avoid getting burglarized.

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Top Forms of Martial Arts that Provide the Best Self-Defense

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Physical Security Company Discusses Top 3 Forms of Self-Defense


It’s never good to seek out a fight, but sometimes the fight finds you. It would be nice to have the assurance of security guards that provide 24/7 protection. The reality tells a different story however. A time may come when you find yourself in a compromising situation, by yourself and completely unarmed. What should you do if you come face to face with an armed enemy? How do you respond if an intruder insists on beating you down? You can fight back. Various forms of self-defense come in handy when it’s time to confront an enemy, but we’ve compiled a list of the best styles of self-defense that will be very useful against any attacker. Read more…

What to Look for in a Home Security System

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San Jose Alarm Response Company Discusses Home Security Systems


You walk out of a scary movie with a terrified daze. The crude scene of a maimed, lifeless, corpse abnormally contorted on the bitter floor, continuously assaults your mind. You make a personal vow to never be found in that dangerous situation and rush home to begin your frantic search for alarm systems. But just 10 minutes into the hunt and you find yourself both scared and confused. Way voice, cellular monitoring, carbon monoxide detectors? Who knew you needed to learn a new language before being able to pick a security system? Feeling defeated, you detach teary eyes from the computer screen and sigh at the prevailing sense of confusion that fills your thought. Read more…

Neighborhood Watch Roles and when Security Companies can Help

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What Makes Up a Strong & Secure Neighborhood Watch Program?

With the recent controversies regarding officer conduct, police forces and security companies have never been under such public scrutiny. Some are questioning whether or not the very people meant to protect them are trustworthy. Despite the national uproars and impending cases surrounding police brutality, there are many security personnel and bodyguards who provide invaluable services that adequately protect the safety of civilians.

Neighborhood Crime Watch Sign for Safe Neighborhoods Read more…

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