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Currently viewing the tag security surveillance

How to Create a Small Business Security Plan

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Bay Area Security Company Discusses Small Business Security

According to Cisco’s SMB Cybersecurity Report, small businesses are highly susceptible to phishing attacks, ransomware, denial-of-service attacks, among other online threats.
In spite of the imminent online threats, physical security is equally important. You need to protect your assets, property, and employees by creating an effective security plan in the following ways:

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7 Security Mistakes Your Building Probably Makes

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san jose security company

Security Tips for Apartment and Office Buildings

Is your building secure enough with only a CCTV system in place? Probably not. Data from the U.S. Department of Justice indicates that a building without an alarm system is four times more likely to be broken into. While the absence of an alarm system is a potential security loophole, other security mistakes can put your building at greater risk.

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Why Physical Security Should Be Just As Important As Cybersecurity

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san jose security services

How Security Guards and Cybersecurity Work Together

Let’s face it. Cybersecurity is vital! Such is its prominence and importance that hardly a day goes by before it gets mentioned on National news whether it is about cyber terrorism, national government vulnerabilities, or massive data hacks on large corporations. It is this importance that leads to numerous businesses spending significant resources on provisions such as encryption software to safeguard their data and IT systems (and correctly so, to add). Read more…

10 Reasons to Hire a Security Guard for Your Business

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Physical security company

Has Your Business Considered a Security Company?

Every day, there are reported incidences of crimes, theft, and assault happening within business premises. For this reason, the security of your business premises needs to be given adequate attention. One essential step that can be helpful in protecting the security of your business is hiring the services of a security guard. Read more…

Is Your Property a Target For Thieves?

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San Jose Security Guards on Theft Prevention

While burglary might be the least of your concerns at the moment, you can never predict when tragedy strikes. Does your home’s security look safe to you? Be honest. If the answer is no, then burglars might be already planning their next big break in. We’re not trying to scare you; just saying that you should be prepared. Our San Jose security guard company discusses five ways your home could be a target, and how to prevent future break-ins. Read more…

Physical Security Advancements in 2018

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Bay Area security company

Security Companies Are Making Huge Strides in 2018

2017 has been a pleasant year for the security software and service industry, but 2018 will be the year of rapid change. The year has just commenced, and we are already seeing increasing signs of physical security playing a vital role in cybersecurity and vice versa. Read more…

Top Security Systems That Increase The Value Of Your Home

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Home Security Devices Can Increase Home Value

home security surveillance

Going for bathroom or kitchen renovations will certainly increase the aesthetics and overall value of your home. But what if you’re looking to improve both the security and value of your property?

Our Palo Alto security company recommends these home security and automation systems as they’re relatively easy to install and provide immediate benefits for you and your home. Smart devices can raise your home value by as much as 5 percent while making life easier and more convenient.

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How to Keep Your Delivered Packages Safe From Thieves

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Tips on How to Ensure the Safety and Security of Your Parcels

Gilroy security company tips on home security

Often times, your deliveries from Amazon, UPS or FedEx arrive when you’re not home. You may be at the grocery store, work or in school. Because life happens, and you may not be able to get them at the time of delivery, they usually end up being left on your doorstep. Unfortunately, this leaves a window of opportunity for thieves to come and steal your packages. This is a huge reason to set up a security system through a Bay Area Security Company before the holiday shopping begins.

There are many ways to ensure that your package does not fall into the hands of thieves. Here are a few:
1. Smart locks

Smart locks are great if your delivery arrives while you aren’t home, because you can ask your neighbor to put the packages in your house. The advantage of a smart lock is that you can enter the password, allow your neighbor to drop off the package then later lock the doors.

2. Smart Doorbells

Smart bells can also help to secure your package when you are not there to receive it. Given that they are enabled with both the communication and watching feature it makes the process convenient. When your delivery arrives, you will get a notification after a knock. That way, you can be able to give further instructions, to the person who is making the delivery as to where they should place is.

3. An Alarm Response Program

This is a thoughtful way of ensuring that your package, and home, remains safe. If an alarm goes off, the professional response officer from the Santa Cruz Security Company will rush to your home and secure the premise. This is a great strategy that can keep thieves off your property.

4. Video surveillance

Video surveillance not only ward off thieves but they can also help you to identify them should you lose your package. Security  surveillance is increasingly becoming popular among homeowners who would like to look after the security of their homes 24/7.

5. Provide further instruction

In addition to having a security system, you can give out additional directions to be followed when delivering your package. For instance, you can ask that the person delivering should get a signature before leaving the package at the doorstep or you can simply request a neighbor or friend that you trust to receive the package on your behalf.

Home Security and Surveillance Pays Off Around The Holidays

Having a comprehensive security system can assist in ensuring that you will be able to get your delivery package safely when you get home. With companies like Orion Security, setting up security features could not be any easier. We’re a Security company serving Santa Clara, San Jose, Gilroy, Santa Cruz & other Bay Area cities South of San Mateo and Livermore. Contact us online today for more information on how to protect your business, community or home and assets.

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