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Currently viewing the tag patrol

Bay Area Security Patrol Protocol

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Bay Area Security Guard Company Shares Insight

Would your business or property benefit from regular security patrol? Mobile security patrol services are popular in apartment complexes and corporate campuses, but businesses and apartment buildings are often staffed with security patrol officers operating on foot. Hiring Palo Alto security patrol companies is a great way to deter trespassing, crime, and theft. Below are some essential elements and routines that facilitate safe security protocol. Read more…

Top 5 Benefits of Having Security Patrol at Your Business

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san jose, bay area, rental property security

Our San Jose Security Company Weighs In

Large and small businesses have to grapple with the reality that crimes could occur at the business premises at any time. As such, most businesses opt to procure the services of a Bay Area security patrol company to deter criminals. While this is definitely one of the benefits of having security guards, it’s not the only one.

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Preventing Robberies at Convenience Stores with Physical Security

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san jose security guard company

Bay Area Physical Security is a Must-Have

A survey carried out by the National Retail Federation (NRF) indicates that there is a consistent decline in the average loss for every robber. In 2016, the average amount of money stolen in each robbery was $5,309.72 which was down from $8,189.17 in 2015. This figure further dropped to $4,237.02 in 2017.

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3 Ways to Keep Your Vehicle Safe from Theft

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Bay Area security guards

Did you know that over a million cars are stolen in the US every year? While these occurrences pose as a grave concern for vehicle owners, it is a fact that they can keep their cars safe by following a few ground rules. No, you don’t need to be tech savvy or practice elaborate methods; all you have to do is keep the following tips from our Bay Area mobile patrol team in mind. Read more…

Neighborhood Watch: How to Get Started

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Gilroy Security company

Every homeowner wants to live in a safe and secure neighborhood for the sake of their families and also to keep their property intact. But the key to establishing a safe neighborhood lies with the people who live there and their willingness to enact a neighborhood watch program. Would you like to learn more about how to set up a neighborhood watch in your area?  Orion Security, a Bay Area security patrol company, is here to discuss community security with neighborhood watch programs.  Read more…

Proven Ways to Keep Your Property Secure

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Keep Private Property Secure With Mobile Patrol

Security Patrols for Private Bay Area Property

A majority of homeowners and business owners fully understand that there are several ways to keep their property safe, such as the use of locking doors, window blinds or the installation of alarm systems. However, very few people fully understand how to secure their property appropriately. By using the following simple steps from our Bay Area security company, you will be able to protect your property and anything else of value which may be inside or on your property. Read more…

The Benefits of Private Security for Alarm Response

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Bay Area Security Patrol and Monitoring Firm Discusses Responding to Suspicious Activity


With today’s increased criminal activity, sophisticated technology, and slow police response, you can never be so sure of your safety. You need to hire one of the best security companies you can afford plus a high-end device that will react and alert them on your behalf whenever there is a quick, thought out, and highly planned break-in. To cut to the chase, you need a helping hand from a security patrol company that can respond to your alarm’s call the moment an intruder sets his or her feet on your property. Here are some reasons why this is important.

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Silicon Valley Security Patrol and the War on Terror

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Don’t Overlook Physical Security as Privacy War Continues in Silicon Valley

Security Patrol San Jose


The War on Terror has come to Silicon Valley in the most unlikely way – through an Apple iPhone. A federal court recently issued an order for Apple to reset the iCloud account of one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple is fighting this order, expressing concerns about violating a citizen’s privacy and revealing product secrets to competitors. Now the government believes they will be able to unlock the phone without Apple’s help.  Read more…

Neighborhood Watch Roles and when Security Companies can Help

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

What Makes Up a Strong & Secure Neighborhood Watch Program?

With the recent controversies regarding officer conduct, police forces and security companies have never been under such public scrutiny. Some are questioning whether or not the very people meant to protect them are trustworthy. Despite the national uproars and impending cases surrounding police brutality, there are many security personnel and bodyguards who provide invaluable services that adequately protect the safety of civilians.

Neighborhood Crime Watch Sign for Safe Neighborhoods Read more…

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