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Currently viewing the tag home security

Best Places to Install Security Lighting

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

home with good security lighting placement

Security Lighting Placement Tips From a Santa Clara Security Company

Security lights are quite a successful burglary deterrent. They help to scare off intruders as well as provide your surveillance system with sufficient lighting. Outdoor lighting also adds to your home’s aesthetic appeal and its overall value by accentuating its features. However, your security lights need to be strategically placed if they are to be effective. Some of the best places to install your security lighting include:

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How to Keep Your Home Safe This Holiday Season

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

holiday home safety tips

A Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Home is Secure During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for giving and celebrating with friends and family. Unfortunately, this time of year doesn’t always bring out the best in everyone. For criminals, the holidays are the perfect time to cash in on vacant homes and the generosity of others. While installing a home security system with a San Jose security company is ideal, we’ve put together some additional tips to keep your home safe this season.

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7 Summertime Home Security Tips

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santa clara security companies tips for summer home security

7 Home Security Tips from a Bay Area Security Company

Ah Summer—the time to relax, get away from it all, and the season for break-ins. As nefarious as that sounds, burglars love to take advantage of the vacation season to sneak into unoccupied homes and to profit from your getaway. Even the best neighborhood security patrol may need a little help, which is why we’ve compiled this list of summertime security tips. Read more…

Ex-Con Explains What Really Stopped Him From Breaking Into Homes

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Here’s 5 Security Tips On How To Avoid Being A Victim of Burglary

Statistics say that there’s one U.S. home being broken into every 15 seconds. How does one prevent that from happening to them? Ex-con Chris Patterson has been convicted 4 times for breaking and entering. But today Chris is on the good side. He shares his experience on how you can avoid getting burglarized.

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Top Security Systems That Increase The Value Of Your Home

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Home Security Devices Can Increase Home Value

home security surveillance

Going for bathroom or kitchen renovations will certainly increase the aesthetics and overall value of your home. But what if you’re looking to improve both the security and value of your property?

Our Palo Alto security company recommends these home security and automation systems as they’re relatively easy to install and provide immediate benefits for you and your home. Smart devices can raise your home value by as much as 5 percent while making life easier and more convenient.

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Emerging Technology in Home Security

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Bay Area security company, alarm response, physical security company

Technology is highly dynamic. Today we see home security features that were once thought possible only in a fictitious world. Thanks to the digital revolution. Improved technology in home security means better protection and improved safety of our property. Let’s take a look at innovations we can expect to hit the market soon. Read more…

Arm Your Apartment With Home Security Devices

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San Jose apartment security patrol company

Whenever you speak to any reputable Bay Area patrol company, they will tell you every place of residence should be safe and secure. This is regardless of whether you live in a condo, home, or apartment. Unfortunately, a significant number of people still make the wrong assumption that apartments either don’t need to implement adequate security measures, or that landlords don’t have to take the responsibility of installing the right wires and relevant installations in order to provide a safe environment. Read more…

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