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Currently viewing the tag executive protection

6 Reasons Corporations Need an Executive Protection Strategy

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

palo alto security guards

Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Don’t underestimate the urgency to adopt an executive protection strategy for your leadership team as well as your staff. Waiting to react to threats or problems could be detrimental, if not catastrophic, to your company’s wellbeing and your employees’ safety. Put a plan in action now rather than wait for a crisis to erupt. Work with Palo Alto executive protection professionals to learn more and brainstorm potential strategies.

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The Top 5 Myths About Physical Security

Posted in Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Bay Area surveillance system

Palo Alto Physical Security Company Discusses Top 5 Security Myths

As a physical security company, it’s our job to educate clients about the potential for risks and to offer solutions. As a good physical security company, it’s our job to convince you to care about your safety as much as we do. Technological advances have given criminals better tools—leading to an increase in building attacks. All it takes is one incident to derail your business and your life—doesn’t it make sense to prepare for this? Read more…

Does Your Organization Need an Executive Protection Program?

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Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Bay Area security company


Within any organization, there are high ranking officials whose official duties and responsibilities, net worth, or level of fame and recognition make them huge potential targets for criminals. These individuals usually end up needing extra protection since their prominence makes them more susceptible being victims of violent crimes.

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Key Qualities and Attributes of an Executive Protection Expert

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Executive Protection and Security Professionals

Bay Area security company

An executive professional is a trained bodyguard who possess the skill to protect high profile or executive individuals such as business or corporate executives. This person’s main role is to protect these individuals from life-threatening situations and emergencies. If you are looking to hire a professional protection expert, then here are some of the key attributes that you should be on the lookout for. Read more…

An Employer’s Responsibility for Their Employees Safety

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Executive Protection and Employee Safety

bay area security patrol

As an employer it is your ultimate responsibility to maintain a safe, proper and healthy workplace. A safety program not only helps you to improve the environment of your workplace but also boosts productivity and keeps your employees safe. A well thought out workplace security plan plays a vital role in preventing any potential injury on the employees of your organization. Although there are several security measures that you can adapt, one of the most effective and viable ways to do so is by opting for executive protection. This not only ensures your workers’ safety, but also gives you (and them) much needed peace of mind.

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10 Attributes and Qualities of an Executive Protection Professional

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Palo Alto Executive Protection and Security Officers Need a Special Set of Skills


Executive protection personnel have the crucial job of protecting individual safety from fatalities and criminal bystanders. If you or anyone you know wants to hire security guards for executive protection, make sure you understand the qualifications these professionals need to be effective. It may be impossible to list all attributes required to be a phenomenal protective agent, the following 10 qualities are common characteristics among the most competent and experienced agents. Read more…

Executive Protection and Applying it to Real-Life Situations

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How a Properly Trained Security Company Conducts Executive Protection


Security can come in many forms; human personnel, k-9 units, alarm systems, video monitoring, and more. A reliable, highly professional, security guard company knows how to craft a safety plan and a strategy that will perfectly fit the unique needs of the individual or group in need of protective services. Since there are no standard packages to completely address every security situation, executive protection services seek to offer another layer of human security to important people who may be at greater risk of experiencing a situation. Read more…

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