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Top 5 Benefits of Having Security Patrol at Your Business

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Our San Jose Security Company Weighs In

Large and small businesses have to grapple with the reality that crimes could occur at the business premises at any time. As such, most businesses opt to procure the services of a Bay Area security patrol company to deter criminals. While this is definitely one of the benefits of having security guards, it’s not the only one.

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What Are The Best Physical Security Practices?

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5 Security Tips From a Palo Alto Security Company

Physical security is critical for the protection of data, networks, equipment, assets, and personnel in the building. It refers to measures taken to guarantee that only authorized personnel have access to resources, assets, and equipment within a facility. A building’s security could be compromised by natural disasters such as floods and fires or by malicious attacks such as theft, sabotage, vandalism, terrorism, and theft.

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9 Ways to Improve Physical Security at Your Business

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security patrol

Has Your Business Considered a Security Company?

Criminals have gotten smarter, which means it’s time to update and improve your physical security systems. Fortunately, there are new and improved ways to protect your assets against those with less than noble intentions. These nine tips can help keep your business at Fort-Knox-level security at a more reasonable price. Read more…

How Office Security Systems Can Keep Business, Employees, and Clients Safe

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Why So Many Businesses Utilize Security Companies for Surveillance and Patrolling


Security companies are often called upon to protect businesses, employees and clients. There are many practices and tactics a security guard company can use to ensure the strongest security plan for their client. This may include on-the-clock bodyguards, monitored video surveillance systems, security personnel, alarm response, camera recordings and more. Business surveillance systems can also be beneficial to companies wanting to expand their security plan. Depending on your businesses specific demands, this could be the perfect remedy for your organization. Read more…

Burglar Proofing: Bay Area Security Company’s Tips for Businesses

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Security Tips to Help Protect Your Business Property


Hard-earned money is incredibly satisfying. Any business that’s spent years building a brand, growing a clientele and establishing themselves in the community understands the sweet victory of steady increasing profit. Take for example a $1.4 billion dollar annual revenue, which breaks down to roughly $4 million dollars a day. Imagine the hard work, innovation, sacrifice, patience and dedication that was required to amass this hefty stream of profit. Don’t risk your hard-earned money by failing to protect against theft. Read more…

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