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Currently viewing the tag security services

How to Create a Small Business Security Plan

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security patrol

Bay Area Security Company Discusses Small Business Security

According to Cisco’s SMB Cybersecurity Report, small businesses are highly susceptible to phishing attacks, ransomware, denial-of-service attacks, among other online threats.
In spite of the imminent online threats, physical security is equally important. You need to protect your assets, property, and employees by creating an effective security plan in the following ways:

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Is Your Home a Target For Thieves?

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

San Jose alarm response

Our Bay Area Security Company Offers 5 Tips For Your Home

According to the San Francisco Police Department, the property crime rate projection for the year 2018-19 is 5,715 for every 100,000 residents. Property crimes include larceny, arson, motor vehicle theft, and burglary. Coming back to a home that has been broken into is a nightmare that no homeowner wants to experience. The following could be what makes your home appealing to burglars:

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6 Reasons Corporations Need an Executive Protection Strategy

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palo alto security guards

Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Don’t underestimate the urgency to adopt an executive protection strategy for your leadership team as well as your staff. Waiting to react to threats or problems could be detrimental, if not catastrophic, to your company’s wellbeing and your employees’ safety. Put a plan in action now rather than wait for a crisis to erupt. Work with Palo Alto executive protection professionals to learn more and brainstorm potential strategies.

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Ex-Con Explains What Really Stopped Him From Breaking Into Homes

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Here’s 5 Security Tips On How To Avoid Being A Victim of Burglary

Statistics say that there’s one U.S. home being broken into every 15 seconds. How does one prevent that from happening to them? Ex-con Chris Patterson has been convicted 4 times for breaking and entering. But today Chris is on the good side. He shares his experience on how you can avoid getting burglarized.

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Top Security Systems That Increase The Value Of Your Home

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Home Security Devices Can Increase Home Value

home security surveillance

Going for bathroom or kitchen renovations will certainly increase the aesthetics and overall value of your home. But what if you’re looking to improve both the security and value of your property?

Our Palo Alto security company recommends these home security and automation systems as they’re relatively easy to install and provide immediate benefits for you and your home. Smart devices can raise your home value by as much as 5 percent while making life easier and more convenient.

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Does Your Small Business Need a Security Plan?

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Discovering if Your Small Business Needs Security

San Jose, small business security, guard, mobile, surveillance

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, certain crimes such as employee theft, vandalism, frauds, robberies, and burglaries can have a devastating toll on any small enterprise. Despite the fact that such crimes can obviously cause problems for any institution, their magnitude and impact tends to be more significant when it comes to small businesses, especially in terms of future prospects. In fact, such crimes may not only lead to financial distress, but also psychological anguish on the owners, employees, as well as the customers. Read more…

How to Choose the Right Private Security Service for Protecting Your Business

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Learn What Goes Into Selecting The Best of The Santa Clara Security Patrol Companies


A security guard company does more than just protect your business from criminals. If your customers often get harassed, threatened, mugged, robbed, or even harmed in the vicinity of your premise, your reputation takes a nosedive. If you are not certain on how having a security guard will help your business, here are a few reasons:

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