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Do Neighborhood Watch Signs Help Improve Residential Security?

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The Purpose of the Neighborhood Watch

Community Security a Concern? Our Bay Area Patrol Company Offers Insight

The neighborhood watch is a long-standing concept that embodies the idea of coming together as a community to keep one another safe. While some neighborhoods find the idea antiquated, many are rediscovering the benefits of having a local security patrol driving through the neighborhood. Installing neighborhood watch signs can deter criminals, but only when the community is prepared to back them up. Read more…

4 Ways to Protect Your Outdoor Area from Vandalism

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san jose alarm response and mobile security patrol company

Bay Area Security Guards Give Their Top Tips for Preventing Vandalism and Break-Ins

With warmer weather here, many of us take advantage of the season to enjoy our outdoor amenities. From pools to patios, we accessorize our space—making it another prime target for uninvited guests. We aren’t talking about the neighbors who like to crash your pool parties, but vandals that won’t think twice about trashing your summer sanctuary. Whether it’s graffiti or the theft of your favorite lawn chair (those things can get expensive!), a little prevention goes a long way. Use these four summer security tips to protect your outdoor area:

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Is Your Property a Target For Thieves?

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San Jose Security Guards on Theft Prevention

While burglary might be the least of your concerns at the moment, you can never predict when tragedy strikes. Does your home’s security look safe to you? Be honest. If the answer is no, then burglars might be already planning their next big break in. We’re not trying to scare you; just saying that you should be prepared. Our San Jose security guard company discusses five ways your home could be a target, and how to prevent future break-ins. Read more…

Top Security Systems That Increase The Value Of Your Home

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Home Security Devices Can Increase Home Value

home security surveillance

Going for bathroom or kitchen renovations will certainly increase the aesthetics and overall value of your home. But what if you’re looking to improve both the security and value of your property?

Our Palo Alto security company recommends these home security and automation systems as they’re relatively easy to install and provide immediate benefits for you and your home. Smart devices can raise your home value by as much as 5 percent while making life easier and more convenient.

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Emerging Technology in Home Security

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Bay Area security company, alarm response, physical security company

Technology is highly dynamic. Today we see home security features that were once thought possible only in a fictitious world. Thanks to the digital revolution. Improved technology in home security means better protection and improved safety of our property. Let’s take a look at innovations we can expect to hit the market soon. Read more…

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