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Small Business Crime Prevention

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Security Patrol


Crime usually costs businesses millions of dollars every year. Crime can be incredibly devastating for small businesses who lose both the employees and customers when a crime occurs. Here we discuss the common responses small business owners have when falling victim of a crime, and what can be done to prevent crimes. Read more…

5 Essentials to Consider Before You Buy a Small Business Security System

Posted in Business Security, Security on by

Small Business Security

CCTV camera

So you have quit your boring 9-5 job, saved up enough capital to start your choice of small businesses and have resolved to live a life of your dreams where you are the only boss. Well, the perks of being a small business owner are many but, with that there are also many responsibilities associated in terms of procuring security surveillance as your business starts to grow. Let us look into what could be the 5 most important things to consider before you buy a small business security system.

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