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Currently viewing the tag business security tips

What Are The Best Physical Security Practices?

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5 Security Tips From a Palo Alto Security Company

Physical security is critical for the protection of data, networks, equipment, assets, and personnel in the building. It refers to measures taken to guarantee that only authorized personnel have access to resources, assets, and equipment within a facility. A building’s security could be compromised by natural disasters such as floods and fires or by malicious attacks such as theft, sabotage, vandalism, terrorism, and theft.

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An Employer’s Responsibility for Their Employees Safety

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Executive Protection and Employee Safety

bay area security patrol

As an employer it is your ultimate responsibility to maintain a safe, proper and healthy workplace. A safety program not only helps you to improve the environment of your workplace but also boosts productivity and keeps your employees safe. A well thought out workplace security plan plays a vital role in preventing any potential injury on the employees of your organization. Although there are several security measures that you can adapt, one of the most effective and viable ways to do so is by opting for executive protection. This not only ensures your workers’ safety, but also gives you (and them) much needed peace of mind.

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Burglar Proofing: Bay Area Security Company’s Tips for Businesses

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Security Tips to Help Protect Your Business Property


Hard-earned money is incredibly satisfying. Any business that’s spent years building a brand, growing a clientele and establishing themselves in the community understands the sweet victory of steady increasing profit. Take for example a $1.4 billion dollar annual revenue, which breaks down to roughly $4 million dollars a day. Imagine the hard work, innovation, sacrifice, patience and dedication that was required to amass this hefty stream of profit. Don’t risk your hard-earned money by failing to protect against theft. Read more…

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