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Currently viewing the tag Student Safety Tips

Back-to-School Safety Checklist

Posted in Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

back to school safety tips from santa clara san jose patrol

Physical Security Means Staying Safe

Are you ready for back-to-school season? Make sure that part of preparing for the coming school year is to teach children basic back-to-school safety tips. Whether your kids ride the bus or walk to class, use tips offered by industry experts, like a Santa Clara security patrol company, to reinforce and remind children and parents of the hazards outside the home. Read more…

Nighttime Safety Tips for Students

Posted in Safety Advice, Security on by

Bay Area security company, security patrol companies, San Jose patrol

San Jose Patrol Discusses Campus Security Tips

College is usually part and parcel of people’s lives. It is a stage that most of us go through, and more often than not, have fond memories of. However, for many students, it is difficult to avoid being on campus late at night. This is one of the main reasons why San Jose security companies recommend the following tips to stay safe: Read more…

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