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Your Guide to Physical Security in The Workplace

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Our Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Business is Secure

Today, business owners need to be aware of numerous security threats, including age-old ones like copied keys and newer ones like stolen fobs. A breach in your building’s security can make employees feel (or even become) unsafe and severely interrupt your company’s workflow. This post goes over some basic steps you can take to better secure your company.

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6 Ways to Increase Apartment Complex Security in the New Year

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

san jose apartment security company

Security Tips for Apartment and Office Buildings

If you’re a landlord or a manager of an apartment complex, security is almost certainly one of your biggest concerns. You want to make sure that your tenants are safe and that crime is kept to an absolute minimum. Having some reliable Santa Clara security guards at the complex may even increase your property’s value and attract more residents. If you want to make sure that your complex remains secure for the new year, consider these six tips.

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