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Currently viewing the tag loss prevention

5 Simple Loss Prevention Tips For Bay Area Businesses

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

palo alto security companies

Your Business Could Use a Security Company

No one likes to lose money, and shoplifting accounts for thousands of dollars in losses for businesses of every size each year. Watching your hard-earned money waltz right out the front door is discouraging and financially harmful. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself against shoplifters and the loss of products. Read more…

Improving Security for the Holidays

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Increasing Bay Area Security for Holiday Loss Prevention

bay area security company

Each holiday season has its celebration and a fair share of stress. With all the shopping, parties, family gatherings and the day-to-day busyness of life, it is clearly understandable why the crime rate during this period is usually at its peak. You may already have thought about enhancing the security of your business either by installing a great security system or by hiring a security company to protect your investment at all times. All in all, there are numerous reasons why you should hire uniformed security guards before the festivities begin. Here is a comprehensive guideline that you can use to be sure that your business and the customers are protected at all times.

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