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Currently viewing the tag holidays

5 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe Around the Holidays

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

bay area security guard company

Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Business is Secure During the Holidays

A news article published in 2017 indicated that at least 9% suffered a theft or burglary the year before. The holidays are the perfect time for burglars to strike as most businesses close down, and the employees go away for an extended period. Observing the following five safety tips will help you avoid safety-related issues as far as your business is concerned.

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Business Closed For The Holidays? Don’t Neglect Security

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Gilroy Security Company on Business Security

It’s that time of the year again when spending time with family takes priority over business. Many shops close during the holidays at least for a few weeks. While you are having fun with your loved ones, are you assured of your business’s security? Research shows that burglary and vandalism are highest over the holidays. But that’s not all; the risk of fire, and damage from bad weather become more real when you are away. Below are tips from our Bay Area security guard company to keep your business safe and secure during this holiday season. Read more…

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