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Pool Physical Security Tips For Apartments

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Our San Jose Security Company Gives Insight

If you have rental properties, make sure that tenants are as safe as possible this summer. This includes taking special care of pools. So how do landlords and property owners keep the pool area safe, especially when it is used by a wide range of people throughout the season? Consider the following pool area safety tips, offered by a Bay Area security company:

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Fundamentals Behind an Effective Physical Security Strategy

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Security on by

Could Your Business Use a Bay Area Security Company?

When was the last time you reviewed your security protocols and procedures? When you consider how vulnerable your assets may be, it makes sense to utilize resources to protect your investment- as well as anyone on your property. Physical security includes efforts like Palo Alto security guard companies, which provide a presence on-site to deter crime and protect assets. Develop your own security plan to keep your premise secure and safe, and keep the following three fundamentals in-mind for an effective strategy:

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Unique Security Concerns For Small Businesses

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

San Jose security company

Security Tips From a Santa Clara Security Company

There are special considerations that must be made for small business security to protect the customers, staff, and revenues. It is easy to overlook elements of security, but it leaves you and anyone on your property vulnerable and small businesses could be a potential target. Here is what Bay Area security guard companies suggest in terms of creating a security plan for your small business.

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